Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement

The Editor-in-Chief and Editorial Board

The Editor-in-Chief is responsible for taking a decision on whether to publish or decline the papers submitted. In this case, the Editor-in-Chief is guided by the policy of the Journal and holds to the legal bases preventing possible plagiarism and copyright violation.
The Editor-in-Chief appraises the paper submitted judging only by its scientific value irrespective of the author’s/authors’ race, sex, religious belief, nationality, citizenship, origin, and social or political views.
The Editor-in-Chief, the workers of the editorial-publishing group, and the members of the Editorial Board of the Journal are not expected to give forth the information about the article to anybody except for the author/authors and appointed or potential reviewers.
The Editor-in-Chief, the workers of the Editorial Office and the reviewing-publishing group, or the members of the Editorial Board are not allowed to use (without an author’s written permission) the unpublished data of the papers that were not accepted for publication to their or somebody else’s benefit.

The Editorial Board insists that the authors should keep strictly to the following principles:

the paper reports original results;
the reported results are authentic and reliable;
the paper presents an objective/unbiased data analysis;
the data presented is correct and accurate;
all the contributors to the research must be acknowledged throughout the text and in a compulsory list of references;
everybody who participated in and contributed to the research significantly should be included as a co-author the final version of the paper must be approved by all the co-authors and have their consensus on its publication;
significant errors and inaccuracies, if detected, must be reported and promptly corrected, even through withdrawing the publication.

The Editorial Board shares the opinion that a reviewer of a journal commits himself/herself to adhere to the following ethical principles:

to be objective and unbiased in estimating the quality of the paper under review and its correspondence to scientific, literary, and ethical standards;
the reviewer should inform the Editorial Board of being uncertain that his/her qualification corresponds to the level and the trend of the research discussed in the paper;
the reviewer is not expected to use the information presented in the paper to his own benefit before the paper is published;
the reviewed paper is a confidential document and cannot be transferred to any other person for reading or discussion; a possible conflicting situation should be reported to the Editorial Board;
the reviewer can address the author directly only after getting preliminary permission from the Editorial Board;
the Editorial Board insists on the strict discipline of a reviewer who is expected to perform paper reviewing in the due time and to show high respect for the authors;
the reviewer should inform the Editorial Board if there is any doubt concerning the possibility of plagiarism, authorship, or data forgery.